The 53rd Session will take place on March 20th - 21st, 2025
At the University of Wisconsin - Madison
Wisconsin High School Model United Nations Conference
Letter from the Secretary-General
Dear Delegates, Faculty Advisors, and Friends,
On behalf of our Secretariat and staff, it is with great pleasure that I invite you to the 53rd Session of the Wisconsin High School Model United Nations Conference (WHSMUN). We are honored to welcome you to the University of Wisconsin-Madison for our conference, which will take place from Thursday, March 20th to Friday, March 21st, 2025.
WHSMUN has been hosting high school students of Wisconsin and the greater Midwest since 1970. WHSMUN prides itself on being a welcoming environment where young minds can debate, share ideas, and collaborate to find solutions to global issues. We seek to embody the Wisconsin Idea by using our University and its resources to provide an opportunity for students to meet other young leaders from across the region they may otherwise never have encountered.
Despite our long history, WHSMUN is always seeking to expand and improve what it has to offer. As part of this commitment, we are proud to introduce three committees to our roster this year. First, the Special Political and Decolonization Fourth Main Committee has been added as part of our General Assembly committees. Secondly, the Council of the European Union has been brought back after its long hiatus this year. Lastly, the Historic Crisis Committee is being added to the newly formed Crisis Committees of WHSMUN 2025.
In addition to new committees, WHSMUN 2025 is bringing back our Delegate Social, to be hosted at the Chazen Museum of Art! Take some time outside conference sessions to get to know your fellow delegates, enjoy refreshments, and admire the Chazen’s selection of artworks!
This website contains information about WHSMUN, registration deadlines and fees, conference policies, schedules, and committees. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team at wisconsinhighschoolmun@gmail.com. The Secretariat and I are incredibly excited to welcome you all to WHSMUN 2025 in Madison this coming March. We hope that this year’s conference will be the most memorable yet. See you then!
In Diplomacy,
Alex Seungmin Lee
Secretary-General of WHSMUN LIII, the 53rd Session